Saturday, December 12, 2009

I feel these wounds stepping down on me, nothing else but the feeling of hopelessness.

Today, it is the 12th of December; exactly one month from my last formal exam. But, there is a feeling inside, and somehow I find myself here, stagnant, as I dwadle whilst waiting for the little things to happen all around me. And, let's ponder about life.

Beliefs? Life and death; like day and night, they are absolute and that's that. I believe in my actions. I believe in my voice. And before one may think that I merely believe in myself, you are to be corrected. I do not believe in myself. Considering myself and my own mind, I suppose my greatest fear is not that I am inadequate. The deep fear that we are powerful beyond measure is indeed fearful. It is our light, not our darkness, that tiny speckle of light present in enclosed darkness, that I think most frightens me. Playing small does not serve the world, simply because there is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do, and our parents encourae us to do so. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone. This fear, sometimes it pushes me, other times it gets the best of me; it is so deep that I believe this is the reason how people fall. And as we let our own lights shine as our fears encroach within us, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. There, perhaps I can have a guess that, as we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others? And what is it that is capable of that? A higher order that must be present. Basing this on animalistic behaviours, all creatures want to believe in something bigger them themselves. They cannot live without blind obedience, as they must follow something or someone. And to escape the pressure of that trust, those in whom faith is placed in turn look for someone higher them themselves. And then those people in turn look for someone even stronger. That is how all kings are born. That is how all gods are born. And looking back on history, they all still abide to mankind. Because from this point onward, the power of the god they foolishly placed their faith in will be truly witnessed firt hand. I believe that these gods, the ones that we place faith into; we give ourselves no choice but to believe in them because we are beneath them.

That is my aspect of looking at such matters.

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