Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The second Blog

Yes I realise that it's only been a short time since the first blog, but I feel as though there won't be as much ranting here as there was in the first post. so lets say, go back to music? I hate happiness; if I were to rip you chest open, what would I find there? Just a materialistic heart, and yet what is that? What is this "happiness"? Not everybody is happy, but everybody is either hated or hates someone else. It is the simple yet brutal way the world revolves; thus happiness is not enough to go through. That is why people remember the "good times", but it still isn't enough. Happiness doesn't solve anything, it is completely useless; in fact it takes your mind off everything. That is why it would be more practical to feel angry - after all, everyone feeds off anger and rage to keep them going. Happiness and Anger is like the sun and the moon, yet they still create eclipses. How do we explain that? It is quite simple, just like the fable of the monkey and the moon. However close the thinks he is to capturing the moon it's still just a reflection in the water. When he tries to capture the moon all he does is sink like a fool. Anger can be lickened to the moon in both cases, whilst Happiness is nothing but a mere reflection of anger. Just like in a simplistic game of chess. When you counter, you dont let them cut you. When you protect someone, you dont let them die. When you attack, you kill. There is no happiness, only the purpose to win. Thus I conclude that happiness is nothing. I have come to the point where I can't help but to fall. Fall behind. Fall beneath. I am falling, yet I do nothing. Despair is all that there is right now. They say that VCE is fair. Too fair. If they ever introduced VCE to adults in their workforce, it will be scrapped without question as it is too fair - it does justice to those work hard and are good at the VCE only. It won't tell if you are going to be a psychopath killing everybody. It won't tell you if you are going to succeed in anything at all. It is justice. Without a higher cause,justice is nothing more than a slaughter...But slaughter in the name of a higher cause is justice. That is why the VCE is too fair, as it is not what marks you get; it what marks you get relative to what other people get. It's basically saying to one: "Sure I'll give you an inch, but I'll take a mile." You may do well in your VCE, but scaling and competition will bring your Study Score down. Some call it unfair, yet it is simply too fair. Sorry guys if you disagree, but this is my sin. Get in my way and you will die.

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